We turn your clients into advocates

Neighbor Direct Now specializes in marketing for home improvement businesses to increase their referrals through a unique approach to marketing. We collect video testimonials from satisfied customers and utilize them to create postcards and social media that can be shared with their friends and neighbors – resulting in an increase in referrals for home improvement businesses.

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Increased referrals for home improvement businesses with video testimonials, postcards, and social media

Refine your prospect targeting with precision by tapping into your clients’ networks. Boost credibility with a video testimonial from someone they trust. Stronger connections, built-in trust, and increased referrals for home improvement businesses.

referrals for home improvement businesses

Hyper-targeted networks

Reach the most trusted prospects with relevant and relatable video content with pinpoint accuracy.

referrals for home improvement businesses

Personalized dynamic postcards

Each recipient feels like we’re talking directly to them with a message that only they would receive.

referrals for home improvement businesses

Credibility & built-in trust

Video testimonials from your closest networks establish immediate trust and belief of your service.

referrals for home improvement businesses

Increased online reviews

Our system is designed to increase your written reviews as much as your video testimonials!

Testimonial video gallery

Nobody trusts a written review like an actual video message. We will build you that gallery.

Lead generation & attribution

Marketed and tracked to earn the business of your client's closest friends via social media and direct mail.

I felt compelled to leave our own video testimonial for Neighborhood Direct Now because they have made it so simple to get your customer’s video testimonials. We love seeing the videos pour in. We love the direct mail campaigns that they do for us. And the social media is winner as well. I highly recommend doing business with Neighborhood Direct and giving them a shot. Thank you!

JT Garrison

Solar Tech

No matter what industry you're in, we'll get you more clients

Check out some of the video testimonials our clients are receiving for their social media and direct mail campaigns!

Neighborhood canvassing meets video testimonials

We have combined traditional neighborhood canvassing with video testimonial postcards, and social media, that feature your recent happy customer!  Neighbors and friends will immediately recognize the familiar face and be intrigued to see what they have to say about your business.  Neighbor direct now will help you increase your referrals for your home improvement business.

referrals for home improvement businesses