10 reasons direct mail is stronger than other forms of advertising

direct mail advertising
Direct mail remains a highly effective marketing tool that can drive results for businesses of all sizes.

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1. Response Rates

Direct mail has a higher response rate than email, social media, and online display ads. According to the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), the response rate for direct mail is 5.1% for house lists and 2.9% for prospect lists, compared to just 0.6% for email.

2. Trust

Direct mail is one of the most trusted forms of advertising. According to a study by MarketingSherpa, 76% of people trust direct mail when they want to make a purchase decision, compared to just 61% for email.

3. Engagement

Direct mail is highly engaging, with 47% of people saying they look forward to checking their mail every day, according to a study by the USPS.

4. Brand Recall

Direct mail has a higher brand recall than digital advertising. According to a study by the UK Royal Mail, people are 70% more likely to remember a brand after seeing it in a direct mail piece than after seeing it in a digital ad.

5. Personalization

Direct mail can be highly personalized, with variable data printing allowing businesses to create custom messages and offers for each recipient. According to a study by the Data & Marketing Association (DMA), personalized direct mail can generate a 36% higher response rate than non-personalized mail.

6. Targeting

Direct mail is highly targeted, allowing businesses to reach specific demographics and geographic areas. According to a study by the USPS, 73% of consumers prefer to receive direct mail from brands that offer products or services that interest them.

7. Tangibility

Direct mail is tangible, allowing people to touch and feel the marketing materials. According to a study by Millward Brown, physical media (such as direct mail) leaves a “deeper footprint” in the brain than digital media.

8. Longevity

Direct mail has a longer lifespan than digital advertising. According to the USPS, the average lifespan of a piece of direct mail is 17 days, compared to just seconds for digital ads.

9. Integration

Direct mail can be integrated with other marketing channels, such as email and social media, to create a multi-channel marketing campaign. According to the DMA, multi-channel campaigns that include direct mail can generate a 24% higher response rate than single-channel campaigns.

10. Return on investment

Direct mail can be highly cost-effective, with an average ROI of $12.57 for every dollar spent, according to the DMA. This is higher than digital channels such social media ($6.19 for every dollar spent).

These statistics highlight the many benefits of direct mail compared to other forms of advertising. While digital channels have their own advantages, direct mail remains a highly effective marketing tool that can drive results for businesses of all sizes.

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